
Safe Kids - the certifying body for all US technicians and instructors - online forums for customized help - reviews and information on carseats, best practice, tips and tricks, written by technicians, instructors, and advocates

Car Seats For The Littles - articles by technicians for parents on all subjects from reviews to nostalgia.

Car Seats For The Littles Facebook group - a Facebook group for customized recommendations and a place to have questions answered

SafetyBeltSafe, U.S.A. - resources for technicians and parents, based in southern California

Traveling with kids on planes. - why it's important to use your carseat on board from birth to at least 40 pounds

NHTSA four step recommendations - minimum recommendations versus best practice. Aim toward the right of each bar

NHTSA recall list - check for recalls on seats up to 10 years old

©2020 by Wendy Tischler Thomas